The updated monthly list of Rephine GMP audit reports available for purchase is ready

Dear colleague,

My name is Gianfranco Santolero and I am Rephine’s Regional Director of South Europe, Middle-East and Africa. The updated monthly list of Rephine GMP audit reports available for purchase is ready. Please note that Rephine has a large number of Audits which are being carried out in these days or planned for the next few months; these Audits are not included in the list attached. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any other information about a specific site, including exact address and the product of your interest. If you are interested write to

Caro collega,

Mi chiamo Gianfranco Santolero e sono il Direttore Regionale del Sud Europa, Medio Oriente ed Africa. L’elenco mensile aggiornato dei report GMP Rephine disponibili per l’acquisto è pronto. Si prega di notare che ci sono molti audit in esecuzione in questo periodo e molti altri programmati nei prossimi mesi che non sono inseriti nell’elenco. Non esiti a contattarmi inviando indirizzo esatto del sito che le necessita e nome della molecola che le interessa. Se interessato scriva a

Querido colega,

Me llamo Gianfranco Santolero y soy el Director Regional de Rephine para Europa del Sur, Oriente Medio y África. La lista mensual actualizada de los informes de auditoría de Rephine GMP disponibles para la compra está lista. Tenga en cuenta que Rephine tiene un gran número de auditorías que se están llevando a cabo en estos días o están previstas para los próximos meses; Estas auditorías no están incluidas en la lista adjunta. No dude en contactarme para cualquier otra información sobre un sitio específico, incluida la dirección exacta y el producto de su interés. Si estás interesado escribe a

Αγαπητέ συνάδελφε,

Το όνομά μου είναι ο Gianfranco Santolero και είμαι περιφερειακός διευθυντής της Rephine της Νότιας Ευρώπης, της Μέσης Ανατολής και της Αφρικής. Ο ενημερωμένος μηνιαίος κατάλογος των εκθέσεων ελέγχου της Rephine GMP που είναι διαθέσιμοι για αγορά είναι έτοιμος. Λάβετε υπόψη ότι η Rephine διαθέτει μεγάλο αριθμό ελέγχων που εκτελούνται αυτές τις μέρες ή προγραμματίζονται για τους επόμενους μήνες. αυτοί οι έλεγχοι δεν περιλαμβάνονται στον συνημμένο κατάλογο. Μη διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μου για οποιεσδήποτε άλλες πληροφορίες σχετικά με έναν συγκεκριμένο ιστότοπο, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της ακριβούς διεύθυνσης και του προϊόντος που σας ενδιαφέρει. Εάν ενδιαφέρεστε να γράψετε στο

Caro colega,

Meu nome é Gianfranco Santolero e sou o Diretor Regional da Rephine na Europa do Sul, Oriente Médio e África. A lista mensal atualizada de relatórios de auditoria do Rephine GMP disponível para compra está pronta. Por favor note que Rephine tem um grande número de Auditorias que estão sendo realizadas nestes dias ou planejadas para os próximos meses; essas auditorias não estão incluídas na lista anexada. Por favor, não hesite em entrar em contato comigo para qualquer outra informação sobre um site específico, incluindo o endereço exato e o produto de seu interesse. Se você estiver interessado, escreva para

Commissioned Audits
Rephine’s commissioned audit service gives customers the opportunity
to work with Rephine to design audits tailored to the specifics of their
operations. Customers can commission various audits including:
• API Manufacture
• Excipient Manufacture
• All forms of Secondary Manufacture
• Contract Packaging Organisations
• Contract Manufacturing Organisations
• Finished Product Manufacture

Rephine Audit Planning Service – RAPS
To help reduce costs relating to conducting commissioned audits,
Rephine has introduced the Rephine Audit Planning Service (RAPS).
Rephine coordinates and combines clients’ audit requirements and
provides credit coupons to participating clients. Credit coupons can be
used against all Rephine services and helps to reduce clients’ overall
auditing expenditure.
RAPS Process
1. Commissioned audit enquiry received
2. Confirm with client to go ahead with RAPS
3. Rephine includes potential auditee on monthly RAPS list
4. Other clients confirm interest in audit
5. Rephine agrees price with all clients including details of credit